4 Tips for Returning to Work After Maternity Leave

Are you thinking about returning to work after maternity leave? Well, get ready for a bumpy ride! The mix of excitement and apprehension can be overwhelming.

You’re not alone in wondering how to manage everything. Fortunately, there are strategies to ease this transition period.


It's possible to strike a balance and be productive in both environments while feeling at ease. In this blog post, we'll explore some valuable recommendations to help you return to work while enjoying being a mom.

Keep reading; we have all the information you require to make returning to work a success story.

4 Tips for Easing Back into Work After Maternity Leave

Here are four tips to make your transition much easier than having a bottle of milk pumped right before feeding time. Let's get started!

1. Plan and Communicate

We hope you recall those days when all it took was picking up your keys and leaving the house. Well, thank God for those days because now they are not tolerable. Anticipation becomes your new ally.

● Speak with your superior before you come back. Specifying your beginning date and days when you may have flexible working hours is essential.

● Keep the lines open. But if something changes, ensure they are informed as soon as possible.

● Discuss your workload expectations. It's okay; you're not a Superwoman.

It proves to everyone in the workplace that you are professional, even if you have spit up on your shirt.

2. Establish a Routine

Babies need schedules; these are also your best shot at remaining sane.

● Map out your day. This means it should include all the events, from feeding to a meeting the assistant should attend.

● Have a dress rehearsal before the actual event, D-day. We assure you that you will never regret it and will always thank yourself.

● Build in buffer time because blowouts occur at the worst possible times.

A solid routine is like a warm blanket for the brain. It shows how you can balance your workplace and home responsibilities without compromising on any of them, including the baby.

3. Seek Support and Delegate Tasks

You are only capable of performing some of the tasks you are assigned. And guess what? You don't have to do them all.

● Rope in your partner. Well, they are in this parenting thing, too, are they not?

● Family and friends should be relied on. They must be eagerly waiting to help (and hold that baby).

● Work with other working moms.

Delegating isn't admitting defeat. It's being smart. You are creating your little community. Since tasks are now divided, it helps reduce stress. A less-stressed mom is a happier mom, whether at home or in the workplace.

4. Prioritize Self-Care

Self-care is not a luxury but a necessity that should be taken seriously and practised routinely. It's maintenance. You wouldn't neglect this now, would you?


● Pencil in ''me time''. No matter how little, even if it's only 10 minutes a day.

● Move your body. A short walk could do wonders.

● Find your zen. Do what you want: meditate, take a bubble bath, or do anything you desire.

When you are recharged, you are a better employee and a better mom. It's a win-win. Yes, it would help if you took that bubble bath. You've earned it.

Make Your Return to Work a Success Story!

Save time by starting planning before you report to work. The moms who succeed are the moms who plan. These tips are not mere frills; they are beneficial.

Your baby and your career require you to be your best. So, why not set up the conditions for success?

Start today. And your future self, as well as your little one, will thank you. Besides, everyone knows that the happier the mom is, the happier the baby will be.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How can I balance work and family life effectively?

Ans. Lead a prioritized list of tasks, set specific boundaries for yourself, and know when to refuse work or an invitation. Be honest with your partner and employer. In other words, the goal is not to achieve a perfect balance but to work towards it daily.

Q. What are some strategies for dealing with separation anxiety?

Ans. Before returning to work, give yourself time to avoid rushing into such stressful environments. Create a goodbye routine. Maintaining continuity through video calls during breaks. Just be easy on yourself because it is expected, and most often, it gets better over time.

Q. How do I approach my employer about flexible working arrangements?

Ans. It would help if you investigated individual company policies first. To get approval from your boss, you should prepare a proposal explaining to the company how it will help both of you. Avoid rigid positions, discuss no compromise, and propose a probation period.

Q. What resources are available for new working mothers?

Ans. Consider seeking legal advice on lactation support, EAPs, and parenting networks at the workplace. Local mom groups and online communities are also helpful and can give practical advice.